Amplify your

Personal Brand  Credibility Authority Trustworthiness Engagement Influence Loyalty

Are you looking to amplify your personal brand?

Podcast appearances not only boost your credibility but position you as an industry authority. We put your personal brand on the main stage and send it echoing across your target audience!

Success Stories

Solon from Royer Mace Shares His Experience

Tony from Link Property Development Shares His Experience

Meet Dean Cvetkoski

a.k.a WhoDean

Dean Cvetkoski, a marketing specialist with over a decade of interview experience, is a trusted figure in podcasting. He excels in crafting authentic narratives, elevating brand voices, and engaging audiences. With a profound understanding of marketing and a passion for storytelling, Dean’s expertise shines through in every episode. He guides brands in captivating their audiences effectively, making him the ideal partner for a successful podcasting venture. Your voice will resonate with Dean as your trusted guide.

LaunchDay Features

Amplify ⚡️

Interviewed by Dean TikToks/Reels Per Month 60
Guaranteed feature in or Inc. Magazine
Published to Spotify
Distribution on Social Media
3D Logo Reveal Video
Professional Lower Thirds in Every Video
Featured on a billboard in a major city near you or your target audience
Shared to WhoDean Social Media
(19k+ followers)
7 posts
Personal Brand Setup Blueprint
Personal Brand Photo Shoot
Hair and Makeup Artist before every podcast
Personal Brand Credibility Score Tracking
Monthly Personal Brand Growth Reporting
Post Podcast Brand Strategy
5 -7 SEO BackLinks
Podcast Kit (Online Interview Only)
Min 3 month term
Interviewed by Dean
TikToks/Reels Per Month
Guaranteed Feature on Forbes AU,
Yahoo!, Daily Mail, Entrepreneur,
Disrupt, IB Times, Inc. and more*
2 - 5*
Published to Spotify
Distribution on Social Media
3D Logo Reveal Video
Professional Lower Thirds in Every Video
Shared to WhoDean Social Media
(19k+ followers)
7 posts
Featured on a billboard in a major city near you or your target audience
Hair and Makeup Artist before every podcast
Personal Brand Photo Shoot
Personal Brand Setup Blueprint
Personal Brand Credibility Score Tracking
Monthly Personal Brand Growth Reporting
Post Podcast Brand Strategy
5 -7 SEO BackLinks
Podcast Kit (Online Interview Only)
Min 3 month term
*Placement on news publications is contingent upon the specific plan chosen and will be executed at the end of the 3-month term. It’s possible for any of our packages to feature in up to 4 publications, although this is not guaranteed. Specifically, the Mastery Mic program guarantees a feature on at least one major publication such as Yahoo!, Daily Mail, Entrepreneur, or Inc., as well as one minor publication such as Disrupt or IB Times. Our agreements with these publications necessitate that our clients be financially committed at the full package price. This ensures a robust filtering process, guaranteeing that those being considered for features are genuinely committed and serious about their branding endeavors. Please be advised that each publication operates with its own editorial guidelines and policies. Final decisions on article acceptance and publication lie solely with the respective media outlets, and we cannot influence or override their decisions.

Why Choose LaunchDay

Elevate Your Podcast Journey with LaunchDay

Discover the compelling reasons to entrust your podcast journey to LaunchDay. Our expertise, quality, and dedication ensure your podcast stands out and achieves your brand’s objectives.


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